I wonder if I put a few words here?

Author: chenze

Final review

In Module 3, I discuss how I engaged with a video exploring the Israel-Palestine conflict, using multimedia to grasp complex historical and contemporary issues. I also explore my experience with Twine, an interactive storytelling tool, emphasizing its immersive nature and effectiveness in facilitating learning.

Moving to Module 4, I delve into Mayer’s and Merrill’s instructional principles in educational games, focusing on coherence, signaling, task-centered learning, and integration challenge. Additionally, I highlight H5P as an interactive learning tool, demonstrating its use through a video example on identifying bias in the news. These methods enhance learning by providing targeted content and interaction (multiple choice questions) with video content.

In Module 5, I reflect on my interactions with ChatGPT, detailing my experience seeking assistance for replacing my car’s wipers. I emphasize the importance of clear communication in obtaining accurate responses. Furthermore, I provide insights into the considerations for integrating AI in education and discuss the limitations of AI models, particularly regarding historical events.

Overall, these reflections showcase critical thinking, curiosity, and a willingness to engage with various tools and topics to deepen understanding and enhance the learning experience.

Module 5

I tried asking chatgpt “how to replace my Mitsubishi Lancer wipers” and chatgpt gave me detailed steps with some tips. For example, park the vehicle on a flatter road surface during replacement, etc. At first, maybe my description was not very accurate. GPT thought that I wanted to exchange the vehicle for a wiper. After I adjusted my narrative style, gpt accurately answered my questions and included the steps before and after.

Also, I think there are many factors that need to be paid attention to when applying gpt to the education model:
Ethical Use: Ensure honesty, integrity and respect for intellectual property.
Privacy and Data Security: Protect student privacy and comply with data protection laws.
Educational Goal: Integrate the use of artificial intelligence with learning outcomes to enhance the learning experience.
Critical Thinking: Encourage students to critically evaluate AI-generated content. (Correctly distinguish whether the content generated by artificial intelligence is accurate)

Then, I asked a question with a difficult answer: “How did Han Xin die in the end?” The answer given by gpt was not accurate. In fact, Han Xin was tricked into the palace by Empress Lu and sent the palace maid to stab him to death with a bamboo pole. Therefore, it is not difficult to see that gpt cannot achieve high accuracy on historical issues in some other countries.


“How to replace my Mitsubishi Lancer wipers” follow-up prompt to list sources. ChatGPT, 13 Feb. version, OpenAI, 9 Mar. 2023, chat.openai.com/chat.

“How did Han Xin die in the end?” follow-up prompt to list sources. ChatGPT, 13 Feb. version, OpenAI, 9 Mar. 2023, chat.openai.com/chat.

Module 4

In video games designed for learning, Mayer’s and Merrill’s instructional principles are often key components, but there’s room for deeper application, especially outside the game environment.

Mayer’s Principles:

Coherence: Educational games excel in delivering clear and focused content, ensuring learners are not distracted by unnecessary details.
Signaling: They effectively use cues to highlight crucial information, guiding learners through the learning process seamlessly.
Spatial Contiguity: Games masterfully combine text and visuals in close proximity, which helps in simplifying complex information for better learner comprehension.
Merrill’s Principles:

Task-Centered Learning: Many learning games are built around the concept of engaging learners in real-world problem-solving activities, aligning with Merrill’s emphasis on practical, task-based learning.
Integration Challenge: Despite their strengths, these games often fall short in encouraging learners to apply their newfound knowledge outside the virtual world. This gap highlights a missed opportunity for extending learning beyond the game and into real-life application.
Expanding on these principles within game-based learning environments could significantly enhance the educational impact, ensuring that learners not only acquire new knowledge but are also equipped to apply it in various contexts outside the game.


H5P is a good video interactive learning method. In the video below, I show you how to identify bias in the news.

Assignment 2

Learning Purpose:

The primary learning purpose of this video is to teach viewers the culinary skill of frying an egg, including techniques like oil temperature control, egg cracking skills.

Why Video is a Good Medium:

Video is an effective medium for teaching cooking because it provides a visual step-by-step guide that learners can follow at their own pace. It can demonstrate subtle techniques that are hard to convey through text or still images, such as the exact moment to flip an egg without breaking the yolk.

Incorporated Principles:

Mayer’s Multimedia Principle: By combining visuals of the cooking process with verbal instructions, the video caters to both visual and auditory learners, enhancing comprehension and retention.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): The video provide multiple means of engagement by encouraging viewers to cook along, representation by showing both the process and the final product.
Cognitive Load Theory: The video designed to minimize extraneous cognitive load by segmenting the process into manageable steps, thereby not overwhelming the viewer with too much information at once.

Challenges in Capturing Video:

Capturing the right angles to clearly show the cooking process without obstructions can be challenging.

What Was Easiest:

The easiest part might be the actual cooking since it’s a skill I’m familiar with and comfortable demonstrating.

Approach to Capturing Video Differently Next Time:

Next time, I plan to shot more carefully, or experimenting with different lighting setups and camera angles to better capture the details of the cooking process. Also, I would improve my speaking fluency by practice more.

Module 3

The situation around the world is not optimistic recently, after four years of epidemic. Wars also broke out in some parts of the world. For example, the well-known conflict in Russia and Ukraine has lasted for two years so far. Of course, the recent raging war in Gaza has also attracted much attention. Just last week there was a protest march at our school. I also witnessed the persecution of the people of Gaza in short videos. Therefore, my empathy for them also fueled my interest in the context of this conflict. So I searched online and found a video. This video uses a combination of pictures and text to explain to the audience the difficult living conditions of the Jews throughout history. It also shows the determination of the Arabs to protect their territory. After watching this video, I deeply realized the cruelty and helplessness of war. I also realize that both sides in this conflict have their own reasons for fighting. The video blogger told us this story in a relaxed tone. So I didn’t feel depressed or sad. It is more of an exploration of the causes of conflicts in history and modern society. Every video image and audio interaction makes me more impressed. Short video lengths and relaxed voiceovers won’t make viewers feel bored. He deeply attracted my sight and hearing and made me understand the cause of this conflict in a relaxed state.


After creating a intereact story through twine, I felt deeply involved in the story. I am more like the protagonist of this story. Every choice I make affects the direction of the story. This is definitely a very efficient and interesting way to learn. I came across a similar interactive video a few months ago. The protagonist is a former Soviet agent. He was performing missions in other countries (stealing missile development secrets). I can make choices at the end of each little snippet. This will affect the direction of the entire plot. Without realizing it, I inserted myself into the story. Therefore, the combination of pictures and text also impressed me deeply.

Module 2: Design Principles for Effective and Accessible Multimedia

After I checked my first blog post with Wave. I found that there were many places where the fonts and colors didn’t work well against the white background. This would make this blog post exclusive. Weak contrast will affect the visual perception and restrict access to this article to certain groups of people. Changing colors, fonts, etc. will bring convenience to more readers of this article.

Module 2 also covers how to use a screen reader to resolve exclusivity issues. Personally, I don’t use these products very often except for reading e-books. Still, I feel like these tools can be helpful to a lot of people. I tried reading my first blog post out loud. It definitely felt like it allowed me to focus more on the text and make it easier to understand. At the same time, this function can also provide great help to people with disabilities. This greatly improves the accessibility of websites and other places for particular groups of people.In addition, reading aloud allows me to change the tone of the speaking AI. Although I think the original sound is just fine. But it can still help others. For example, you can set your voice to a tone that makes it easier to focus while studying. When you have insomnia at night, you can read stories in a gentle tone to help you fall asleep.

The infographic below shows the impact of distance from polluted areas on house prices.

Module 1: Theories of Multimedia Learning

Intuitive and Surprising Principles:

As we delved into CTML principles, some concepts aligned naturally with my understanding of effective teaching and learning. Reducing extraneous cognitive load through coherence and signaling seemed like common sense. Conversely, I was surprised by the profound impact that seemingly small design choices, such as text and image placement, can exert on the learning experience.

Applying Principles in Screencast Design:

Creating my screencast, I kept specific Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning principles in mind. Consciously applying the redundancy principle by avoiding unnecessary repetition, I encountered challenges in adhering to the contiguity principle. Struggling to keep words and images close in certain sections underscored the importance of intentional design choices and their direct impact on cognitive load. While creating, I ran into some device trobule using Screencastify (unable to set up microphone). Thus, I finally choose to use zoom for screencasting.

Create a screencast using Zoom

For this project, I chose to use zoom to record the screencast. The cast is about “how to create a blog post on wordpress”. In this video, I explained how to register the wordpress website and showed some basic skills while using it.


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